Die config-default.ini.php enthält, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, eine Grundeinstellung für das Template. Es ist für den Fall gedacht, dass durch irgendeinen Umstand die eigentliche config.ini.php total verstellt wurde. Einfach die config-default.ini.php nach config.ini.php kopieren und man kann dann von diesem Zustand die Einstellungen neu an die eigenen Bedürfnisse anpassen.
Dateiname: templates/krl-3col-flex/config/config-default.ini.php
$ConfigSilbentrennung = "true";
$Headertyp = "headernone";
$menubrightnessANFANG = "==================== max. und min. zulässige Helligkeit";
$maxbrightness = 221;
$minbrightness = 68;
$menubrightnessENDE = "==================== max. und min. zulässige Helligkeit";
$KontaktLink = "Home/Kontakt-Formular";
$DatenschutzLink = "Home/Datenschutz";
$ImpressumLink = "Home/Impressum";
$transluzenzwert = "0.41";
$widthdivision = "c4c15c5";
$cleft = "c4";
$cmiddle = "c15";
$cright = "c5";
$cdouble = "c20";
$mainfontsize = "1.0";
$footerfontsize = "0.925";
$sbhANFANG = "==================== Slideshow below Header";
$sbhslidefolder = "headerimages";
$sbhlogofolder = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images";
$sbhlogofile = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images/logo.png";
$sbhMottoColor = "#5555DD";
$sbhMotto = "Header mit Logo und Mottotext und darunter eine Slideshow<br><br>Header with logo and motto text and below a slideshow";
$sbhENDE = "==================== Slideshow below Header";
$slideANFANG = "==================== Header before Slideshow";
$slidefolder = "headerimages";
$slidelogofolder = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images";
$slidelogofile = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images/krl-3col-flex-icon.png";
$SlideMottoColor = "#5555DD";
$SlideMotto = "Header mit Logo & Mottotext<br>vor Slideshow im Hintergrund<br><br>Header with logo & motto text<br>in front of slideshow in the background";
$SlideLogoColor = "#f5f0f0";
$SlideLogoTransp = "0.82";
$Slidelogobackground = "rgba(245,240,240, 0.82)";
$Slidelogomottoradius = "0.2";
$slideENDE = "==================== Header before Slideshow";
$CrossANFANG = "==================== Header before Crossfadingshow";
$CrossImageFolder = "./userfiles/images/headerimages";
$CrossVisibleTime = "10";
$CrossFadingSpeed = "2";
$CrossLogoImageFolder = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images";
$CrossLogoImage = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images/krl-3col-flex-icon.png";
$CrossMottoColor = "#5555DD";
$CrossMotto = "Header mit Logo & Mottotext<br>vor CSS-Crossfadeshow<br><br>Header with logo & motto text<br>in front of CSS crossfade show";
$CrossLogoTextBGColor = "#e6e6ff";
$CrossLogoTextBGTransp = "0.79";
$CrossLogoTextbackground = "rgba(230,230,255, 0.79)";
$Crosslogomottoradius = "0.2";
$CrossENDE = "==================== Header before Crossfadingshow";
$imageshiftANFANG = "==================== Header before shifting Image";
$imageshiftfolder = "./userfiles/images";
$imageshiftbgimage = "./userfiles/images/headershiftimage.jpg";
$BGimageBreitenfaktor = "316.04166666667";
$BGimageHoehenfaktor = "15.475";
$imageshiftimagespeed = "40";
$LoopTime = "151.7";
$imageshiftlogofolder = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images";
$imageshiftlogo = "./templates/krl-3col-flex/images/krl-3col-flex-icon.png";
$imageshiftmottocolor = "#5555DD";
$imageshiftmotto = "Header mit Logo & Mottotext<br>vor durchlaufendem Bild<br><br>Header with logo & motto text<br>in front of continuous image";
$imageshiftbgcolor = "#b4dbff";
$imageshifttransp = "0.82";
$imageshiftbackground = "rgba(180,219,255, 0.82)";
$imageshiftlogomottoradius = "0.5";
$imageshiftENDE = "==================== Header before shifting Image";
$otherownweb1ANFANG = "==================== Link to other own Web 1";
$titleattribute1 = "";
$linkurl1 = "";
$linktext1 = "";
$otherownweb1Ende = "==================== Link to other own Web 1";
$otherownweb2ANFANG = "==================== Link to other own Web 2";
$titleattribute2 = "";
$linkurl2 = "";
$linktext2 = "";
$otherownweb2Ende = "==================== Link to other own Web 2";
$otherownweb3ANFANG = "==================== Link to other own Web 3";
$titleattribute3 = "";
$linkurl3 = "";
$linktext3 = "";
$otherownweb3Ende = "==================== Link to other own Web 3";
$otherownweb4ANFANG = "==================== Link to other own Web 4";
$titleattribute4 = "";
$linkurl4 = "";
$linktext4 = "";
$otherownweb4Ende = "==================== Link to other own Web 4";
$otherownweb5ANFANG = "==================== Link to other own Web 5";
$titleattribute5 = "";
$linkurl5 = "";
$linktext5 = "";
$otherownweb5Ende = "==================== Link to other own Web 5";
$hostedbyANFANG = "==================== Link to Hoster of the Web";
$hostedtitleattribute = "";
$hostedlinkurl = "";
$hostedlinktext = "";
$hostedbyEnde = "==================== Link to Hoster of the Web";
$sponsordbyANFANG = "==================== Link to Sponsor of the Web";
$sponsortitleattribute = "";
$sponsorlinkurl = "";
$sponsorlinktext = "";
$sponsoredbyEnde = "==================== Link to Sponsor of the Web";
$validierungANFANG = "==================== Link to validation";
$validierung = "false";
$validierungEnde = "==================== Link to validation";